Change your behavior, change you life

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> This is a template version of the Effortless Habits Blueprint. Click "Duplicate" in the top right corner (top-right 3-dot menu on mobile) to make your own duplicate of this template and use it.

How to use the template: apply the 4C Model below for each habit you want to build, respectively eliminate. Duplicate the template for each habit so that you can use it for multiple habits.

If you want to read the theory behind the blueprint, that’s great. It will explain why you need this blueprint and the real drivers of human behavior.

If you don’t want to read the theory, that’s fine. Skip it. The blueprint works regardless.

🦙 Created by Victor Rotariu | 🌮 Give Feedback | 🆘 Support on Discord | 👔 Follow Me on LinkedIn | 🐤 Follow Me on Twitter ****

The Theory

In-depth explanation of the theoretical framework for this blueprint is at its own page. It’s several books worth of science, so it’s dense. I believe it’s interesting, but if you are not interested, that’s fine. You can skip to applying the Blueprint, you don’t need to know the theory.

That being said, I strongly recommend reading the Theory. Understanding how your behavior works has deep lasting impact on your life. Sure you can apply this blueprint without knowing anything about the theory. And you will have success. But if you understand the underlying theory, you can design and implement even deeper changes.

If you don’t read any of the Theory, there are still two tiny bits of theory which you should absorb. The Blueprint still works ok if you skip if you really don’t have the patience, but I recommend reading them. They are crucial to understand why it works (which will make it work much better):

1. Most of our behavior is unconscious and unintentional

2. This unconscious behavior is the result of natural selection

How do we decide behavior: the 4C Model

The 4C Model is the essence of our unconscious decision making:


It is what drives all unintentional behavior, which means over 95% of your actions.